Author Archives: Samantha Washburn, PhD

About Samantha Washburn, PhD

Samantha Washburn, Ph.D., received her doctorate in Neuroscience from Albert Einstein College of Medicine, where she examined the role of the cerebellum—the “little brain” located at the back of the skull—in motor control and movement disorders.

Q: Can cannabis use cause lung cancer like smoking tobacco does?

Thanks for your question! Cannabis, or marijuana, is the second most widely smoked substance in our society after tobacco in cigarettes. Smoking cigarettes is the number one risk factor for lung cancer, according to the Centers for Disease Control and … Continue reading

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Q: I heard there are a ton of studies that show a clear connection between cannabis use and developing schizophrenia and other psychoses. Is this true?

Thanks for your question! As recreational use of marijuana is decriminalized or legalized in a growing number of states, these are important concerns to address. During my graduate work – I received my Ph.D. in Neuroscience from Albert Einstein College … Continue reading

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