Author Archives: Lara Kleinfelter Wilson, Ph.D.

About Lara Kleinfelter Wilson, Ph.D.

Lara has a PhD in Microbiology & Immunology from Albert Einstein College of Medicine. In her free time, she enjoys ballroom dancing and spending time in the sun.

Q: What are the lifestyle causes and influences of acne? Can colloidal silver cure acne?

Have acne? Welcome to the club! Most people deal with acne at some point in their lives, including 75-95% of teens and 40-54% of adults over 25 years old in western societies. Even older adults can struggle with acne – … Continue reading

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Q: Can vitamin C really help you get over a cold faster?

We all know that having a cold can feel terrible, and sometimes we are willing to try just about anything to feel better. Decongestants and cough syrup? Yes, please! Chicken noodle soup? Sure, why not! But what about vitamin C … Continue reading

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Q: Most hand sanitizers claim they kill 99.9% of germs. What about the 0.1% that they don’t kill? Should I be worried?

Ah, the 0.1%. Are they monster germs that are immune to everything and are now out for revenge because you just killed their friends? Or are they weak and struggling after just barely surviving a hand sanitizer attack? To understand … Continue reading

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Q: Does being cold increase my likelihood of catching a cold?

Our association between being cold and catching a cold stretches back hundreds of years and still runs strong today. As a child, did your parents ever tell you to “put on a coat or you’ll catch a cold”? A recent … Continue reading

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Q: Is aspartame in Diet Coke safe to consume? If so, in what amounts?

When the first artificial sweetener (now sold as Sweet’n Low) was discovered in 1878, the world became divided between those who embrace artificial sweeteners to reduce calorie intake and sugar intake and those who fear that these sweeteners cause health … Continue reading

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Q: Do I need to drink milk to keep my bones strong and prevent osteoporosis, or is that a myth started by dairy farmers?

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If you grew up like me, you had milk several times each day: on your cereal at breakfast and in a glass with lunch and dinner. Your parents told you that milk is good for your bones and that you … Continue reading

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Q: I heard that dental fillings contain mercury. Are these fillings safe? Do I need to worry about mine?

Do you have silver-colored fillings in your teeth? This type of dental filling, called amalgam, contains 50% mercury. If you have one or more, you aren’t alone. Amalgam is the most common type of dental filling and is used by … Continue reading

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